Casimir Effect

Time and Energy

Time and Energy have a very romantic relationship. How much time does it take for energy to reach zero? How long can a humans go without food before dying? How long can you drive before you run out of gas?

Energy has a time limit before it becomes fully used, fully dissipated, fully dispersed. The more energy something has, (i.e.; the quicker it dissipates), then the shorter amount of a time it has before it's annihilated. The less energy something has, 
(i.e.; the slower it dissipates), then the longer it has to exist. 

Simply stated: the less time, the more energy, or the the more time, the less energy. Think of the difference between an explosion or a slow burning fire.

When spacetime was near zero, energy was near infinite, but in the future we are moving toward a state where spacetime will be near infinite and energy will near zero.

But according to the laws of quantum mechanics energy can never actually be zero. But, can spacetime never actually be zero either?

Virtual Particles 

Virtual particles somehow borrow energy from spacetime based on the possibility of a non-zero state. If spacetime can never be zero, it can create a force of energy, but the force of energy must eventually return it back into the spacetime.  

The more energy a particle borrows, the less time it has to pay it back, less time it can exist. Another way to think of it is that the more massive the particle, the less time that can exist

Large things that are as massive as celestial bodies disappear so quickly that they don't exist at all if they were made of virtual particles. Small mass and low energy particles are what can exist for a longer time.

What is essentially happening is that energy is spending itself to have longer time to exist. This seems to suggest that infinite energy can never really exist because only energy moving toward zero (zero  being complete dissipation of energy) can cause time to be created. If energy was infinite, spacetime would be zero and vise-versa - if/when spacetime becomes infinite, energy will be zero. 

When a virtual particle is created, popping into existence out of seemingly the nothingness of space, particle and anti-particle pairs are created. Since, all particles are essentially just excitations in quantum fields that means all particles have some determinable wavelength. 

Particle pairs with longer wavelengths can not manifest inside of a space shorter than it's wavelength. That means that there can be a measurable effect. Because more wavelengths can exist outside of a small space than inside of a small space, this should cause a small force to be exerted inward on the small space. This force would be slightly stronger than the outward force created from virtual particles in the small space. This eventually causes the small space to close. This is called the Casimir Effect. 

However, if this effect is happening everywhere in every single place in spacetime, it would lead to an infinite mass density. This is obviously not true because if it were, we would be in a completely different kind of universe. So it must be that the Casimir Effect does not compound over time. 

Why not?

Imagine you have a force of 100 that only last for 1 second and then you had a force of 1 that lasted for 100 seconds. A force of 1 would have a very long stretched out wavelength, while a force of 100 would have very short, compressed wave length. It's the compression of the wavelength that determines the strength of the force. 

If you are talking about a small space, there are only finite values of wave sizes that can fit in a smaller space, but on the bigger space outside of the small space can exist a bigger variation of wavelengths. This effect only exists on small scales because bigger wavelengths sharply decrease in strength as they become bigger and more stretched out.  

How do virtual particles become real by splitting into particle and anti-particle pairs?

The Dynamical Casimir effect happens around blackholes.

Because blackholes generate a gravitational pull that pulls on real particles faster than what they can physically travel, when real particle-anti particle pairs are created by virtual particles, one particle will be pulled into the black hole, while the other could potentially escape.

However, energy isn't just being created from nothing, black holes are actually converting their mass into particle-anti particle pairs. This is also called Hawking Radiation. 

So, what does all this mean exactly? Allow me to extrapolate a little. 

Fact 1. - There is no true void. Everywhere on the smallest scales exist a frothing, foamy soup of virtual particles popping in and out of existence from seemingly nothing

Fact 2 - the more energetic ones have shorter lives, the less energetic ones have the longer lives.

Fact 3 - it's a virtual particle because it's really not there, only it's force is detected when being split into particle-antiparticle pairs.

Fact 4 - Particle/antiparticle pairs are always on trajectory to self annihilate, unless otherwise pulled a part.

Fact 5 - High gravitational forces are what it takes to keep particle pairs from annihilating. 

Acceleration and Gravity 

Gravity and Acceleration are indistinguishable effects. When you accelerate you feel a force equal to that laying on the surface of some equal-to-acceleration-in-mass object. 


      Force = Mass * Acceleration ( F=MA )


Mass = Force/Acceleration or  Acc = Force/Mass

M  =  F   / A          A  =   F   /  M
5 =  100 / 20        20  = 100 / 5
10 = 100 / 10       40 =  100 / 2.5

Force can always stay the same as long as Mass and Acceleration stay balanced. 

As the video explains, with this understanding of nature, a device has been created that can separate self-annihilating particles for longer periods of time. But, if Black holes exchange their mass for particle anti-particle pairs, what mass is hidden in the universe that is creating the universe's virtual particles?

The best conclusion is that Universe is a black hole. 

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